Creating method - sample weaving


I have during a long life with my loom and wonderful yarn spun from the best spinners developed my own design method. In the creating process, I take a curious, open and observant approach to a new project, aiming to seek out the core and striving for coherence, calm and structure.

I try to have a keen eye for details without losing sight of the big picture. I use my craftsmanship and knowledge to bring out the unique qualities in the yarn I am working with.

I use collages in the drafting process mostly made directly on the loom. Already in preparing my warps for the sample weaves I design patterns with the yarn. My working process involves numerous sample weaves, often several in the same process, in an effort to allow the unplanned and unpredictable to emerge.

I often use varying weaving techniques and thread counts in a single sample and experiments with weaves, colours and materials to make new and unexpected patterns and combinations emerge in collaboration with my loom.

Once the difficult key choices have been made I refine the textile with attention to originality, material, colour scheme and technique.

Karin Carlander